On the Collection

What is the Collection?

Artservis, a project of SCCA-Ljubljana enabling and stimulating emancipated activities in the world of arts and culture, expands its activities from the field of informing and consulting to the promotion of creativity. Artservis’ Collection is a thematic project on production conditions in culture. The Collection includes artworks that refer in a critical, analytical, witty, personal or any other manner to the conditions of creation, presentation, marketing and survival with culture and within culture – to those aspects of artistic creation that usually remain concealed.

Artservis’ Collection is conditioned neither formally nor generation-wise as it contains works of authors of different generations, approaches and authors’ poetics. The selection includes representatives of the youngest generation together with the already established mid- and older generation.

The diversity is also emphasised through the choice of media and expressive means: video, graphic art, photography, discursive and interdisciplinary projects. Thus the Collection is open both to the established contemporary and classical media and the new, experimental approaches and interdisciplinary forms (that may include texts as well).

Authors and Works

The Collection includes works of the following authors: Martina Bastarda, Berko, Vesna Bukovec, Mare Bulc, Jana Flego, Josip Pino Ivančić, Ema Kugler, Tanja Lažetić, Radovan Jenko, Nina Meško, Katarina Petrov, Marija Mojca Pungerčar, Andrej Rozman-Roza, Mladen Stropnik, Tina Smrekar.

The works have been selected for the Collection on grounds of proposals that were submitted in the frame of a public call in 2005 as well as through personal invitation. The authors whose works have been chosen for the Collection have personally contributed with descriptions of their pieces and short CV’s.

In terms of content, the authors are focused on those aspects of artistic creation that usually remain concealed: career, positioning within the art system, cultural policy and power plays and relations…

Such artistic orientation is fairly new as authors within the frame of contemporary art deal – some constantly, others occasionally – with those issues only in the last decade.

The usage of chosen medium in the works in the Artservis’ Collection features a combination of methodical thinking and innovation, an investigative curiosity and contemporary research approach.

Location of Collection

Artservis’ Collection is included in the study archive of SCCA-Ljubljana where the works are on public display. The collection is also expanded and presented at (international) events and exhibitions.

Artservis mobile suitcase

The collection found its “resort” also in the form of mobile suitcase meant for public presentations and individual viewings. The mobile suitcase was created in the home workshop of multimedia artist Borut Savski and is at once a unique aesthetic and technological object. It consists of a processor, hard disk and other necessary computer elements united in a mobile transparent unit that enables the Collection to enter any public or intimate space.

Artservis mobile suitcase